Ship Manoeuvring Principles

May 2023
This publication explains the theory and practice of ship manoeuvring and basics of pilotage. It covers a wide range of manoeuvres and provides practical guidance on the dynamic forces acting on the ship and appropriate use of the ship’s controls. The book is based on the author’s extensive experience as a pilot and is both informative and easy to read.
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This book provides those who are training to become pilots, Masters and officers, or anyone else who is likely to be required to manoeuvre ships, with practical ship handling information on which they can build their own strategy for learning and improvement. It provides guidance on the stages and potential risks of each manoeuvre and highlights some of the less obvious features affecting the pilotage of ships. The second edition reflects the rapid changes in the world of shipping since the publication of the first edition in 2001. The book begins with an ‘Overview of Propulsion, Steering and Bridge Systems’, followed by ‘Basic Principles’, which every reader must understand to be able to manoeuvre a ship, before moving on to more specialised areas such as berthing, towing and anchoring.
Witherbys Witherbys titles are developed using scripts developed by technical experts that are peer reviewed within work groups. Typically, they seek to improve understanding of the regulations, recommendations and guidelines issued by Industry. Witherbys staff have significant expertise in the fields of navigation and hazardous cargoes as well as in the presentation of complex subjects in a graphic and easy to understand manner.